Embracing Change

Integula Consulting can provide skilled resources to assist organisations through periods of change by:

  • Advising operations and programme management on a fractional basis to bring independent insight and assist in governance activities
  • Providing short-term hands-on support to supplement in-house project skills and resources
  • Assisting in the transition of senior leadership roles.
Change team

Interim management

Whether to meet a short term need for additional management input or to cover extended absence through childcare commitments, sickness or staff turnover, interim management can provide an effective means of filling the gap. Our skilled resources not only help fill short-term vacancies, but can assist and mentor existing management teams to resolve a crisis or deliver a special project.

In such roles we recognise it is essential that we bring the skills and experience to hit the ground running and to be effective from day one. Having led teams of up to 130 people in technology and accounting operations, Integula Consulting can demonstrate a track record at senior management and board level to know your business is in safe hands.

Change management

Change can be both threatening and exciting. Reaping the benefits is dependent on careful planning and leadership. We bring experience of designing and leading a number of change programmes including management restructuring, outsourcing, performance improvement, issue resolution and regulatory compliance.

Drawing on our experience in analysing and designing realistic programmes which draw together disconnected initiatives, we can help avoid wasted budget and resources and satisfy business objectives.